Sweet Love

The love we share is a sweet fragrance to the Lord.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Killer Elephants

I was watching this documentary on these juvenile elephants that were killing these rhinos. (yes I'm a documentary geek) It was called Killer Elephants, and that struck my curiosity. Anyway, the documentary was showing how these male juvenile's were orphans that they brought into this wildlife reserve to have tourist look at, I think.(I'm not sure why they brought them in) So the elephants grow up and begin becoming irate, killing rhinos and even threatening humans. So these guys go out and begin to research why they are killing the rhinos. They find out, first of all the juvenile elephants need adult males to keep them in line and second they researched a baby elephant and his mommy and found out that the babies need their mothers nurturing and touch for a certain amount of time before they can be left all alone. So they brought in these big adult elephants and the juvenile's settled right down. They no longer Kill rhinos.(they were doing it, by the way, as a territory thing)Anyway, I learned two lessons from this documentary. I related it to parenting.
#1. Our kids need discipline, just as these elephant juveniles did. They need guidance and a real example of what a parent (or elephant)should be. (like Christ).
#2. Our kids need our touch and compassion to lead a healthy life.
It makes me want to lead by example and be the mommy I need to be for them. Its so neat how God can use even a documentary on animals to teach us lessons. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Natalie Joy said...

I had read about how young male elephants will fight each other or other large animals if they did not have the influence of an older male elephant. They seem to carry a lot of rage that actually stems from not knowing that they are an elephant and how a male elephant is supposed to act. A lot of great God messages in that for the men in our society. (You made a good point for moms, too.)

July 18, 2006 6:13 PM  
Blogger melanie said...

i am totally amazed by God when it comes to animals. how can you not go into a zoo and see that we have the most awesome and creative God?
that's awesome how God spoke to you through elephants, He's great!

July 24, 2006 3:50 PM  

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