Sweet Love

The love we share is a sweet fragrance to the Lord.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Just some updates for you, since I don't know what else to blog. Kali went to the eye doctor the next morning after the emergency room visit, and she's fine. Just a broken blood vessel. I haven't heard or seen anything on the two boys that were burned. If anyone does know please let me know. Let's see, Madison is continuing to "grow up." I like to tease her that I am the "Mom in this house" as she likes to mother Kali and especially Memphis. (although it sometimes gets her in trouble, because she becomes too Motherly if you know what I mean.) I am really enjoying watching her grow in her relationship with the Lord. It's becoming more real to her now.
Memphis is learning to walk and everything he does is entertaining. We are all coming along fine. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

Urgent Prayer Request!!!

I just got back from the emergency room, Kali had somehow got a metal necklace stuck in her eye. She's ok, we go to the eye doctor in the morning. However there are two young men that are not okay. I don't know specific details, as I only heard what the nurses and doctors were saying in the hallway, but I do know that two young boys were playing with some kind of explosive and were burned very badly. We seen them as they were taking them into one of the rooms. They are being flown to Iowa City tonight to the burn unit. I know at least one boy is in critical condition. Please pray for them and there parents. The mom came in and burst into tears. My heart broke as I couldn't imagine being in her place. I think I'll hold Kali a little closer tonight. God bless you all.

Killer Elephants

I was watching this documentary on these juvenile elephants that were killing these rhinos. (yes I'm a documentary geek) It was called Killer Elephants, and that struck my curiosity. Anyway, the documentary was showing how these male juvenile's were orphans that they brought into this wildlife reserve to have tourist look at, I think.(I'm not sure why they brought them in) So the elephants grow up and begin becoming irate, killing rhinos and even threatening humans. So these guys go out and begin to research why they are killing the rhinos. They find out, first of all the juvenile elephants need adult males to keep them in line and second they researched a baby elephant and his mommy and found out that the babies need their mothers nurturing and touch for a certain amount of time before they can be left all alone. So they brought in these big adult elephants and the juvenile's settled right down. They no longer Kill rhinos.(they were doing it, by the way, as a territory thing)Anyway, I learned two lessons from this documentary. I related it to parenting.
#1. Our kids need discipline, just as these elephant juveniles did. They need guidance and a real example of what a parent (or elephant)should be. (like Christ).
#2. Our kids need our touch and compassion to lead a healthy life.
It makes me want to lead by example and be the mommy I need to be for them. Its so neat how God can use even a documentary on animals to teach us lessons. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My New Blog

Hi guys I just wanted to let you all know that I started another blog that is more of a ministry blog. Come check it out!!!! It's called A Little Love, A Little Healing.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sweet Sweet Samson Posted by Picasa

Sammy (back from the dead woooeeeeoooo) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Tail(he he) of the Cat and the Kitty!

First of all sorry it's been so long...It's been a very busy summer.
Ok so we get this call on a Friday night from our neighbor across the street and he says that he thinks our cat got ran over. We've had this cat for 3 years and she is our kid's delight. They love her. So I went out on the highway and the poor thing was all smooshed up it's guts were hanging out and eyeballs were popping out, and it stunk really bad. So I picked it up (with a plastic bag of course) and I brought it to the yard and then Jeremy buried it in my garden. We decided to wait until Monday to tell the girls because Madison was coming home and we didn't want to go through it twice. So the next morning(Sunday) I went to the farm where we got Sammy(the cat that got ran over) and I got a little kitty to soften the blow. Kali was so thrilled with him. Then she said the two words we did not want to hear, "Where's Sammy?" I told her and her little heart just broke *tears*
So that night I was painting signs for the parade and I heard this meow, the kitty was on my shoulder so it wasn't him. Jeremy and Kali were outside doing a bonfire. Memphis was sleeping. So I walk into the living room and I hear it again coming from Madison's room. So at this point I'm thinking the Devil is messing with me trying to make me believe that Sammy is a ghost now. So I crept slowly down the hall, ready to start some serious Demon bashing, and I open Madison's door and out walks Sammy. I was so excited I ran out and told Jeremy and Kali.
We Buried the Wrong Cat!!!!!

LOL!!! Is that not the funniest thing. Here's the eerie part though:
1. The Dead Cat looked just like Sammy.
2. Sammy disappeared for three days.
3. I was in Madison's room during those three days and she never came out.
4. Why didn't she meow before then.
5. I had a dream the night before that God resurrected her from the dead.
Needless to say we haven't dug up the dead cat to make sure it wasn't her. So introducing Samson the new addition to our family.

P.S. I am going to post picturesof them on the next one because I cannot get them to post on this one!!!

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